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¿Trabajaría con pacientes COVID-19?
¿Tienes cuenta bancaria personal?

Respond to Carl Jung's Archetypes Test (Personality Models) that you find inHERESubsequently, send your result with a screenshot toWhatsApp

¿Tienes la vacuna contra el COVID19?
¿Cuantas dosis tienes la vacuna contra el COVID19?

Thanks for your interest!

The sooner you send your information, the better your process will go. 


Visit our

so that you know us, it will beVital importanceat the time of the interview


The above applies if you live in Cali or its surroundings

Thank you for your message! We will be in touch soon


Send the screenshots of thearchetypes and nursing assistant test,like youidentity card, resume, bank certification, rut, labor certificates, vaccination cardand the documents that you think are essential for us to know.


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